Today, we released the latest issue of the Domain Name Industry Brief, which showed that the Internet grew by four million domain names in the third quarter of 2014. The total number of domain names across all top-level domains (TLDs) is now 284 million. This is a 1.6 percent increase over the second quarter of 2014. [1]
Largest TLDs by Zone Size

.com and .net Breakdown
New .com and .net registrations totaled 8.7 million, bringing the combined number of .com and .net TLDs to 130 million domain names in the adjusted zone by the end of the third quarter of 2014.
gTLD Breakdown
At the end of the third quarter of 2014, 413 new gTLDs were delegated into the root; with 91 new gTLDs delegated during the third quarter of 2014. [2]
The chart below captures the initial 60-day registration volume rank for those new gTLDs reaching 60 days of General Availability (GA) during the quarter. In the third quarter of 2014, 79 new gTLDs reached 60 days of GA and of those, the 10 largest new gTLDs, as measured by zone size on Day 60 of their respective GA period, were: [3]
Largest New gTLDs by Zone Size on Day 60 of Their General Availability Period

ccTLD Breakdown
Largest ccTLDs by Zone Size

DNS Query Load
Verisign’s average daily Domain Name System (DNS) query load during the third quarter of 2014 was 114 billion across all TLDs operated by Verisign, with a peak of 318 billion, the highest average and peak query loads in a single quarter to date. Year over year, the daily average increased 40 percent and the peak decreased 202.1 percent.
DNS Query Load by Quarter

For more domain stats from the third quarter of 2014, check out the infographic below and the latest issue of the Domain Name Industry Brief.
[1] The gTLD and ccTLD data cited in this report are estimates as of the time this report was developed, and is subject to change as more complete data is received. Total includes ccTLD Internationalized Domain Names.
[2] The total number of gTLDs and their registrations is published through the Centralized Zone Data Service:
[3] The new gTLDs that reached 60 days of General Availability during the third quarter was determined using: