This Sunday, March 15, marks the 30th anniversary of the first .com domain name registration, Today, there are more than 116 million .com domain names registered globally, and more being registered every day. Below is a list of the top 10 trending keywords registered in .com and .net during the month of February 2015. Any surprises?

Click here to see other domain trends blog posts and make sure you check back on the second Tuesday of each month to see the latest keyword registration trends in .com and .net. Better yet, subscribe to the Verisign blog to have the posts delivered directly to your inbox.
If you’d like to do your own domain name keyword research, check out Verisign Domain View, a tool that allows you to enter keywords to see registration trends in .com and .net.
If you are inspired to register a .com domain, make sure to enter it in our #InternetOfficial contest. The contest, which is open to U.S. residents only, will feature up to five monthly winners (for a total of 15) and one grand prize winner. A panel of top industry influencers and celebrity judges, as well as the public’s votes, will determine the five best .com domain names entered into the contest each month during the contest’s three month entry period. Each monthly winner will receive $5,000 and the opportunity to submit a video explaining the beauty of their entry. Those monthly winners who submit a video will proceed to the final round for an opportunity to win the grand prize amount – $30,000!
Note: Each list was developed by examining keyword registration growth by identified language relative to the preceding month, such that those keywords with the highest percentage of registration growth are being reported on. This method is used to eliminate commonly registered keywords such as “online” and “shop” to provide a true look at monthly trends by language.