The top 10 trending keywords registered in .com and .net during the month of March 2016 are below. Any surprises?

The 2015 holiday shopping season was a good one for businesses online. Thanks to strong sales from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, online retailers reported an increase in sales of 15 percent from the previous year with Cyber Monday proving to be the largest online sales day ever, netting $3.07 billion.
However, only 51 percent of small businesses have websites, despite the fact that 97 percent of consumers search for products and services online, according to figures released earlier from The SCORE Association (SCORE).
The disconnect between small companies and the growing number of consumers who vet brick-and-mortar businesses based on their online presence could be keeping entrepreneurs from millions of customers – and dollars. SCORE Vice President of Marketing Bridget Weston Pollack said, “If a company or a small business doesn’t have an online presence, they are missing a huge percentage of the population that could be shopping at their store.”
Today, we released the latest issue of the Domain Name Industry Brief, which showed that the Internet grew by approximately 3.1 million domain names in the third quarter of 2015, and closed with a base of 299 million domain names across all top-level domains (TLDs). This is a 1.1 percent increase over the second quarter of 2015.