Verisign OpenHybrid™ for Corero and Amazon Web Services Now Available

Verisign outlined its vision for a revolutionary new approach to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection by announcing the availability of the Verisign OpenHybrid™ architecture, which helps organizations protect their critical assets and applications across distributed environments from DDoS attacks, using a single solution. By integrating intelligence from a customer’s existing security defenses, Verisign OpenHybrid™ provides timely detection and restoration of services in the event of an attack, while providing increased visibility of DDoS threats across multiple environments such as private datacenters and public clouds.

In an earlier blog post on the topic, I noted the increasing scale and complexity of DDoS attacks, and the strong need for organizations to enable awareness and mitigation of attacks across on-premise devices, in addition to both public and private cloud environments using standards based open protocols.

Today we are pleased to announce two important updates in our path toward enabling open DDoS protection: the availability of Verisign OpenHybrid™ for Corero SmartWall TDS and Verisign OpenHybrid™ for customers hosted in the Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud.


Verisign OpenHybrid™: An Essential New Approach to DDoS Protection

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a threat to businesses worldwide and the attacks are getting larger and more sophisticated.  The industry’s approach to protecting against DDoS attacks must change, and change fundamentally, to stay ahead of this growing threat.

For too long, the problem has been tackled piecemeal, using isolated devices or services. But protecting against DDoS attacks increasingly requires communication and coordination between many components – from networking equipment, to specialized appliances and cloud-based services.

A shift in security architecture is needed to an open platform where devices and services from different vendors can share and act on information in concert. It must be a hybrid platform, allowing on-premise routers and security appliances to detect and mitigate attacks locally, while automating alerting and switchover to cloud-based services if an attack threatens to swamp the business’ network connection.
