Make Your Idea Internet Official Today!

Have a great idea? As any aspiring entrepreneur knows, great business ideas can occur anywhere, anytime. With 91 percent of consumers looking online for local goods and services, turn your idea into a reality and make it “Internet Official” with a .com or .net domain name!

We recently launched four videos as part of our “Internet Official” campaign. From “flirting” with an idea to “getting hit” with an idea, these videos showcase the “light bulb” moment that every entrepreneur has experienced when brainstorming a business idea.


Make Your Idea Internet Official: Your .com Is Waiting

As you think about bringing your business online, look no further than .com, one of the most universally recognized domains on the internet. While .com is highly desirable for the businesses and individuals around the globe, did you know there are still millions upon millions of great .com domain names available for registration? Let’s take a look at the latest facts around .com availability, based on an analysis of .com domain name registrations as of July 2014:

  • 23 million times a day, a .com domain name availability check is successful [1]
  • Over 95 percent of five-character .com combinations are available
  • More than 99 percent of six-character .com combinations are available
Even though there is an abundance of .com domain names available for registration, many experts recommend registering descriptive and keyword-rich names because they attract higher click-through rates on search engine results pages.
